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For Patients

If your dentist has recommended a dental procedure that makes you really nervous, or if you have a dental phobia, now there's help for you in the comfort and safety of your own dentist's rooms. You don't need to experience the stress of a full anaesthetic in a hospital. All you need to do is to ask your dentist to contact us at Adelaide Sedation Dentistry. We can then arrange to meet with your dentist and discuss how we can work in his or her practice to provide gentle, safe "twilight anaesthesia" to relieve your anxiety.



Monday - Saturday. Please call or email for availability on a particular time/day. As Dr Lam is quite busy, it is best to have some flexibility in your booking times.  

For Dentists

IV sedation is a safe, effective way to complete dental treatment on anxious, phobic, difficult to anaesthetise or gagging patients. It is also a great way to relieve the discomfort of long or uncomfortable procedures, such as extractions, third molar removal, endodontic, implant and other surgical procedures.


It can be used reliably for procedures up to two hours duration. On some patients, sedation times of three to four hours can be achieved, depending on patient safety (relating to doses required), cooperation and comfort. This will result in longer recovery times.


This is how our team works to ensure clinical excellence:

  • Careful patient selection. As a guideline, we work principally with patients aged from 12-70 years, who are in good health (ASA1 and ASA2).

  • Thorough patient preparation and post-operative care.

  • Meticulous patient monitoring. Patients' vital functions are monitored via Clinical Observations, Blood Pressure, Pulse Oximetry, ECG and End Tidal CO2.

  • Titration of sedative drugs. Small tailored doses of sedative drugs are administered throughout the procedure to maintain exactly the right effect for the patient.

  • Intravenous analgesia prior to uncomfortable stimuli.

  • Intravenous dexamethasone if indicated. We ensure postoperative comfort for every patient.

  • Oxygenation of the patient.

  • Adelaide Sedation Dentistry always has emergency equipment and reversal drugs on hand.


No special equipment or training is required by the practice staff beyond what AHPRA requies as standard- that is: all staff require the normal CPR (including defibrillation) and life support training, such as the Applied First Aid Course by St John’s Ambulance or Australian Resuscitation Council's Advanced Life Support Course. 


Oxygen is required in the surgery (all patients receive oxygen supplementation), however it can be supplied by Dr Lam by prior arrangement.


If you would like to use Dr Lam to provide Sedation Services for your practice or to find out a suitable practice to send your sedation patients, please contact us and we would be delighted to make arrangements.




“I've worked with Dr Lam for a number of years.  He has always taken great care of my patients before, during and after the procedures. We have done everything from general dental fillings and cleaning to surgical wisdom teeth extractions.”

Dr Timothy Surman

“I had my impacted widsom tooth out under IV sedation with Dr Lam and his team.  Their treatment options were much more affordable than seeing a specialist in hospital.”

Andy Bui

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